TMJ Treatment in Germantown, MD

Rosewood Dental provides TMJ treatment in Germantown, MD. Call 301-515-2466 to learn more or schedule your appointment.
The temporomandibular joints connect the lower jaw to the skull. They provide movement and functionality for the jaw, and they are the most constantly used of all the joints in the body. This consistent use puts them at risk for a condition known as TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), especially if the bite is even slightly out of alignment. At Rosewood Dental, we have the skills and experience to correctly diagnose and treat this painful disorder.
What Are the Symptoms of TMJ?
TMJ is an extremely personalized condition, and no two patients have exactly the same experience. In general, though, most people with TMJ notice at least a few of these common symptoms:
- Jaw locking when trying to open the mouth
- Popping, clicking, or grinding sounds when opening or closing the mouth
- Stiff or sore jaw muscles, especially first thing in the morning
- Headaches, ear pain, facial pain, or neck pain
- Pain when opening the mouth
- Jaw deviation to one side, especially when the mouth is opened wide
- Nighttime teeth grinding
TMJ Treatment
Because every case is unique, TMJ treatment must be tailored to each patient’s needs. Some cases can be treated at home with a soft diet and jaw exercises, while others require professional intervention. Treatment options include:
Non-Pharmaceutical Solutions: We can provide a custom-made bite guard, which is a type of splint designed to relax the jaw muscles and alleviate pain. You may have an upper appliance or a lower one, but you should never wear both at the same time. We can also provide muscle retraining to help you bite and chew in a heathier, more efficient way.
Supplementary Pharmaceutical Treatments: Although long-term reliance on medications is not recommended, we may supplement appliance therapy and muscle retraining with short-term pharmaceutical use. Options include muscle relaxers, mild sedatives, prescription pain relievers, and even tri-cyclic antidepressants.
Surgical Options: If non-surgical solutions do not relieve your TMJ, or if you have significant joint damage, we may refer you to an oral surgeon. Most patients do not need surgery, but surgical relief is available if required.
TMJ can be progressive, causing gradually worsening joint damage and significant pain. With proper treatment, we can stop TMJ in its tracks, allowing you to again use your jaw normally without pain.
Call 301-515-2466 to schedule your appointment.